Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Race is Run!

Races are run by conquering hills and valleys, moving forward through cramps and injuries, and fighting back when your body and your emotions tell you they've had enough.  Sometimes races are full of broken shoelaces, charlie horses and PowerBars, and sometimes they're full of Rituxin, Cytoxin, Prednisone, and PET scans. 
In both cases, we're done.

Just like bell-ringing day just over a month ago, today was another big day - the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon.  The Utah Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team in Training racers raised over $29,000 for cancer research in preparation for this race, and that's not even the physical training.  It's been a wonderful emotional support for us getting to know the people and hear the stories of the LLS and Team in Training members here in Utah.  
Remember the research that events like these fund:  Dr. June in this video is supported by LLS grants.
With your help, Team Paulapalooza raised $2,000 - enough to support two runners.  Nick & Ty were "voluntold" by their wives that they were the lucky winners chosen to represent the family. :)  Neither of the guys had ever run a half marathon, and due to moves and job changes for both, they couldn't train much, either.  They pulled it off amazingly, though, and certainly made us all proud.

Those of us in the cheering section waited at the last water station with other Team in Training volunteers, and had fun encouraging all the racers who came past.  Lillian handed out high-fives while Megan kept count - 106 total! 

Thank you all for your love, encouragement, and support. Mom discovered herself talking about cancer in the past tense the other day, and that is a really big deal.  Races show you what you're made of, but for this one, we're glad all that's left is a little recovery.  Here's to moving forward. 

Lots of Love,
Brad, Emily, Jill, Ty, Megan, Lillian, Nolan, Jeff, Caiti, Lucy, Amy, Nick
