Sunday, April 28, 2013

Angels don't have wings

I think not being very good at being sick isn't a bad thing.  Mom expresses this inability but is doing pretty well.  She got a little infection in her finger from a cut she sustained doing normal house work on any normal day.  Us cancer newbies are still learning that a few things are different and some changes need to be made.  We will work at it and wear super industrial gloves if we need to.

My mom mentioned a couple of times how she was impressed by this idea of guardian angels that have come up in a blessing to her daughter and a blessing given to mom..  Our animated imagery of this occasionally reverts back to our childhood perspective of guardian angels.  You know, the ones where angels dressed in some sort of glowingish white outfit who have large wings and fly back and forth protecting us from evil.  Mom probably has those too, but I'd like to focus this post on those who do not have wings.

They look like a text message from a friend asking if everything is ok, a phone call from a loving father making sure she made it home alright, or a visiting friend with a meal and some encouraging words.  They are those who take walks, send emails, or call for a talk, and most certainly they surround her saving her from evil.  Many of these acts I haven't seen, but I hear them through my mom or other angels that have stopped by.  I hear of a sweet prayer offered on behalf of my mom at the start of a relief society meeting.  I see it when neighbor boys hop the fence and start the lawn mower.  I feel it in a letter sent by mom's uncle.  Mom's text messages include the phrases from multiple senders, "R you ok?" "Just checking in" "How are things going today?" "Could I still stop by tomorrow?" "Thinking of you and love you."  It happens at work, it happens at home, it happens at water aerobics,  church, and family gatherings.

To extended family who have pitched in at baby showers, stopped by during chemo day one, locked me down in a death stare threatening me with my life if I didn't let them help, giving blessings, praying for mom, being with mom, and helping her to enjoy life in adverse circumstances: we say thank you.  I often think of one night I showed up at mom's house at 9:00 at night and several family members were there visiting.  There have been many experiences like this that she and we have appreciated immensely.

Brad & Emily, Jill & Ty with Megan, Nolan, and Lilian, Amy and Nick, and sweet Caiti, I think of you as the strongest of sentinels guarding our mother.  I've seen it in dinners made, walks taken, tears shed, packages, pictures, phone calls, blessings, airplane tickets, and unannounced visits.  I am proud to be the brother of the finest people I have ever met.

To those of you who have guarded my mother we say thank you for giving her a gift of friendship and love.  Know that she and we are buoyed by this.  It's supposedly the chemotherapy that is tackling her cancer treatment but I know it's you who is working on curing it.