Sunday, May 12, 2013

Battle of the Hair

It has been a month since "the crack" appeared in the Christensen family planet.  I have to say that overall, it has not been nearly as bad as I feared.  And on those few days that it was that bad, it was mental/emotional pain, not physical.  I have learned that fear is the most difficult of all things to endure.  Amazingly, however, it is the one thing I feel like I have at least a small degree of control over, unlike the phyiscal part of this ordeal.  I have amazing friends and family, especially my four children and their spouses.  On the days, when I have let fear get the better of me, they have been there to hold me while I cried, talk me through my fears, and, eventually, make me laugh again.  Laughter is so much better than fear. 

The life I have led the last two weeks is not at all what I anticipated.  I have felt completely "normal," with a few exceptions.  I have learned a lot and am sure there will be many more lessons. 
  • Did you know that the hair in your nostrils is what keeps your nose from dripping.  When you lose your hair, that hair goes too.  I now carry tissues with me everywhere.   
  • Even though I feel normal, my body does not heal itself like it has for the past 60 years.  So, I wear gloves and shoes while working outside, and I am trying to be more careful.  Difficult adjustments for me. 
  • I liked my hair a whole lot more than I ever thought I did, and I will never curse it again! 
  • It's okay to be different (I'm still working on this one). 
  • People are kind.  I have more friends and loved ones than I ever could have imagined.  I love you all and appreciate all of your kind thoughts, prayers, acts of kindness, and words of comfort.  Unless you have been here -- and I am learning that many of you have -- you can't know how that buoys me up and gets me through the week. 
Through the first round of chemo, my body reacted great.  The "tumor" is now maybe 1/6th the size it was (that's not a medical assessment).  I had some pain, was tired, had a sore throat, and felt "sickish" for about four days.  Since then it has gotten progressively better, and right now I feel completely normal (except my hair is falling out everywhere).  I was able to work regular hours last week and am still busy and doing normal stuff.   I start my second round on Tuesday.   
I am optimistic about winning this War.  I was feeling discouraged yesterday about my hair.  Then I realized that although Cancer was winning the Battle of the Hair, I really have won all of the other battles so far.  I feel good -- what more can I want right now (except my hair back).


  1. Hi Paula, Although we have lost touch over the years, Jill reconnected with me through my blog. I am so sorry to hear about your illness. I have been following along here though and want you to know you are in our prayers. I have always admired your happy and cheerful spirit and attitude. No one has ever worked harder than you, always with such a positive outlook and smile on your face. I think of you often and know if anyone can do "this", you can and I have no doubt you will come through this an inspiration to us all, with all the grace and happy outlook that you project. I wanted you to know that you and your family are in our prayers.

  2. So glad to hear your assessment. Goodbye tumor!

    Maybe you actually won the lifetime battle with your hair. It's just retreating now so you can focus on the war at hand.

    Best to you, dear Paula. Happy Mother's Day.
