Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Are you ready to party?!

We are less than ONE week away from Mom's LAST treatment!! Holy cow. It's so fantastic to be able to say that. It's been a crazy summer, full of a million different highs and lows. But here's the thing--it's almost over. It will be a few months before Mom really feels like it's actually over. It's going to take awhile for her to feel "normal." But in a couple of weeks, we can really say that it can only go up. Like Brad wrote, the word to describe how I feel is relief. Not enthusiasm, not really excitement either. Sure, there was inexpressible joy at hearing the news that the PET scan was clear. But there was also the realization afterward that, although a clean scan was the thing we'd all been hoping and praying for, it didn't signal an immediate end. I think that's been hard for Mom. Sometimes it's hard to be happy, enthusiastic, or excited during this time. The results of the scan have brought out some sort of conflicting and unexpected emotions. "Shouldn't I feel excited that I only have one left?" It's an amazing feeling to know that it's almost over--but it still isn't over. It's easy to feel guilty for not feeling grateful all the time. There's a difference though, between feeling incredibly grateful for answered prayers and feeling constantly enthusiastic. So that's what we've been working on reconciling lately, but overall, life is great! 

The reason for this post--after all that rambling--is to remind you of our fundraiser barbecue THIS Saturday at Lindsey Gardens in the Avenues.                                                                                          
I can guarantee it's going to be a blast! Good company, good food, and-as far as I can tell-great weather! (The high is 88!) We'd love, so much, to be able to see all of you. To catch up, pig out, and share our celebration and gratitude with you. Will you do that for us? :) Hope to see you there!! Please share this post and the invite with your friends and family. We would love to see all of you!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could come :(
    Sold my Prius, and the guy that bought it has a daughter, 13, who is on her 3rd round of cancer...and has given up.
    There definitely are things to be grateful for.
