Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paulapalooza's Birthday Party!

Whew! This week has flown by. After Chemo Treatment #4 on Tuesday, and Mom's birthday on Wednesday, it's basically Friday already! We started this week recovering from a big weekend in Idaho Falls for cousin Daniel's wedding. Mom was feeling great and we were able to spend time with lots of family and had a blast. Nick got to come for the weekend, too--so I was pretty happy about that! :)

My last post told about how the last few days had been a struggle. Right after that, Mom decided to call the doctor and find out if there was anything she could do to feel better, so they had us come in and then pumped some fluids in her. Who knows if it was the fluids, the timing, or a little bit of both, but the next few days were MUCH better! A week later she met with Dr. Whisenant, who did a great job of validating her concerns, and encouraging her to be optimistic for the last stretch of treatment. He reiterated the importance of the last two treatments in curing it, even if the PET scan comes back clear next week. He also told her that he is confident that the scan will come back clear. (A nurse told us the other day that he's the best doctor they have-and he wouldn't say he's confident if he didn't really feel that way) Hopefully, he's right, but only time will tell. She goes in for her scan on the 3rd, so all the good vibes and prayers you can throw at her would be much appreciated!

Treatment #4 went really well. It took the least time, so far, and the affects that day seemed to be less, as well. We're hoping that the last treatment cycle was an anomaly and it won't keep getting worse. They even let her get her shot the same day (apparently Medicare just changed the rules...again...) so she didn't have to get it on her birthday! Small victories. :)

Mom is so cool in her hat! 

Yesterday was great. Like a true grown up, Mom went to work on her birthday, and was happy to be able to feel well and get things done there. Then we all met up at the house and headed out to dinner at Five Guys before the Real Salt Lake US Open Cup Quarterfinal against the Carolina Railhawks. They helped make Mom's birthday great by winning 3-0. It was a fun game to watch and great to get out and relax with the fam. We missed Caiti and Lucy at the game, but silly over protective parents thought a soccer game wasn't the place for a 5 week old baby.
Sheesh... :)

We're prepared for this weekend to be hard again, but hopefully not as bad as it was before. If it is, though, at least we know that it won't last forever. She must be feeling great, because I'm signing off so I can eat a delicious-smelling homemade lasagna she just pulled out of the oven. Yum!

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