Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wish Paula a Happy Birthday!

I know you're never supposed to discuss a lady's age, but I can't help but brag about Mom.  Yesterday she turned 61, and chemo and all, she's living as rip-roaring a life as ever.

HAPPY 61st, MOM!

Paula, Queen of the Hill!
This photo is from a trip we took to Zion National Park when I was expecting our oldest, Megan.  Becoming a grandma hasn't slowed her down a bit!  Meg (6) said once that she hopes that she gets to be a "young grandma" like Grandma Paula is - a grandma who climbs around on the floor and throws the kids around, and a grandma who has years and years ahead with her grandkids.

Just like on Scott's birthday, we've set a big goal: to raise $610 to celebrate 61 amazing years!  

In my mom's case, we have years of cancer research to thank for the fact that she WILL have many years to share with her family.   I just got off the phone with her, and we talked about the changes that researchers are hoping to make in the chemo regimen she's currently on.  In the near future, they hope to replace some of the chemotherapy drugs with immunotherapy drugs that will eliminate the side effects of hair loss and nausea. Can you imagine?!  This is the future we're fighting for - for our family and yours.

Please spread the word, and wish Paula a happy birthday by helping others to get through the same thing she's dealing with right now.


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